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+1 (929) 414 9040


Mbamba Village, Malawi
Philadelphia, USA

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Frequently Asked Questions

Contributing to Kukula Farm isn't just a financial transaction; it's an investment in a brighter future for Malawi's youth. Your donation fuels our mission to provide sustainable farming education and create job opportunities, thereby breaking the cycle of poverty and hunger in our community. In essence, your support helps transform our vision into a life-changing reality.

You can make your donation directly through our GoFundMe page. Every contribution, big or small, brings us closer to our goal.

Your generous contribution will go towards securing land, purchasing equipment, and covering operational costs. Every dollar counts in making this dream come true.

Currently, we're not a registered non-profit, so donations are not tax-deductible. However, your support is invaluable in other ways!

Absolutely! If you prefer to keep your donation private, we totally respect that.

Yes, we do! We're open to donations of equipment, feed, or even your time and expertise.

We regularly update our donors through newsletters and social media. Make sure to sign up and follow us to stay in the loop.

We're committed to this mission, no matter what. If we fall short, we'll use what we've raised for the most immediate needs and continue fundraising.

We're committed to this mission, no matter what. If we fall short, we'll use what we've raised for the most immediate needs and continue fundraising.